Utopia Toolbox provides and creates tools for a consciuos designing of our future which will be particularly challenging, and demanding creative processes beyond familiar dimensions. It was initiated in 2013.
It is about desiging the space between people: the political, social, artistic, scientific, economic, philosophical, spiritual, practical space.
It is an international artproject by people of various professional fields who like to work together in projects, grow in scale, scope and capacity through collaborative interdisciplinary work. Their common basis is an open definition of creativity which does not exclude any field of work. The collective share, at their core, an idea and a belief that creativity is our single most valuable resource. The only resource providing solutions for the dramatic global chaos we face. Art is critique on a mechanistic way of thinking.
UTOPIA TOOLBOX | acts und reacts directly in all fields of everyday-life, in our heads, in our hearts. |
Since 2012, I focus my work exclusively on this project, together with:
Stefanie Kraut, Corinna Hampf, Erwin Heller, Doris Cordes-Vollert,
Nick Tobier, Jimmy Day, Marcel Rother, Martina Vodermayer, Tom Hecht,
Markus Stettner-Ruff, Suvi Ermilä, Günter Gamroth.