Workshop | Center Practice evening


Every Thursday there is a special PRACTISE EVENING, welcoming everybody to introduce something still unfinished or unfermented from ones own field of work, something still full of mistakes, something failed which stagnates: it could be a part of an idea, thought, project, piece of music or art, literature, something technical, social a.s.o.

The other guests are asked to provide questions and thoughts across disciplines, offering ideas in a constructive and well-meaning atmosphere, when ‚weakness‘ is accepted as something normal. Important hints may be contributed by people from other fields of work than the direct related, who respond from a neutral and unprejudiced point of view from ‚outside‘.

Practise evenings grant dignity to the imperfect, use the potential of ‚failure‘ as a source, consider the temporary blockage and obstacle as a natural and hardly avoidable part of each creative process of whatever field. And more: Practise Evenings are meant to encourage exploring and transforming the power of weakness in our culture of perfectionism, of an earlytrained hiding away of weaknesses – or assumed weaknesses.